Planning the opening process of Tallinn State Gymnasiums
Mustamäe, Pelgulinna and Tõnismäe State Gymnasiums
Project type:
Strategic process
The school principals of the three new state upper secondary schools opening in 2023 wished to formulate joint goals and cooperation agreements for their schools and create an action plan up to the fall of 2023 to achieve said goals.
- To create a clear plan on how three state upper secondary schools in Tallinn will cooperate in their school management and education and to determine what has to be done by the time the schools open.

2 workshops
The process consisted of two workshops, between those workshops StratLab created the draft of the action plan.

Interactive action plan
To have a clear view on necessary tasks, we helped to create an action plan on a project management platform, which can be used and edited by the principals after the project as well.

Co-management model
As a result of the process we created and co-management model that enables the schools to make decisions, plan work, share resources and classes between the three schools.

Cooperation creates opportunities
We agreed upon that Nägime, et olulisim põhjus koostööks on luua õpilastele täiendavaid ja paindlikke võimalusi õppimiseks.
Process: First workshop focused on creating the co-management models and setting cooperation objectives for the three schools. We discussed on which aspects of the school management the school will cooperate on, decide and plan together. We added time measurements to the objectives by specifying what should be achieved three years after the schools have opened and what should be done by the time the schools open in 2023.
At the second workshop we set a more specific action plan following up to the opening of the schools in 2023. We created the action plan on a project management software called Asana.
Based on the action plan we designed a visual scheme of the plan which could be used to introduce the plan to partners and colleagues.
Photo: DD StratLab
DD StratLab helped the state gymnasiums in Tallinn to set the co-management model and pre-opening goals. Reelika and Joanna had prepared very thoroughly for the workshops and adjusted the process on the go based on the needs. StratLab does their work really devotedly and I will work with them again any time.
Indrek Lillemägi
Project team:

Reelika Alunurm

Joanna Kurvits
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