Service design training for youth associations
One of DD Stratlab’s first orders was The Estonian National Youth Council’s two-day service design development training session in which we helped youth associations develop services that could provide some extra income for their activities.
10 associations
10 motivated organisations wanted to develop new services.
Our approach
As an introduction, we trained participants in design thinking and service design.
Our mentors
There were four mentors from DD StratLab to help the teams.
By the end of the training, several real new services had been launched.
Objective: Our main objective was to reach practical outcomes with the youth associations – and that is what we achieved. By the end of the second day of training, several participant organisations had already received first real orders for their newly designed services.
Process: We began the training with a strong theoretical framework of design thinking and human centred design principles, and then moving on to let the participants collaboratively move step by step towards launching their service.
Aside from our trainer (Martin) we had three mentors (Reelika, Kaisa and Toomas) with us who gave individual help to each organisation.
Photos: Karin-Liis Tambaum
Result: Several new for-profit services were launched, both the client and the participating organisations were grateful, finding that the training days had been beneficial.
Project team:

Martin A. Noorkõiv

Reelika Alunurm

Kaisa Jõgeva

Toomas Tuul
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