Ida-Virumaa Green Plan
Project type:
Strategic process
Estonian Fund for Nature (ELF), the Estonian Green Movement (ERL) and the Estonian Environmental Law Center (KÕK) wished to collectively carry out a co-creation process which would result in specific proposals on the topic of Just Transition of Ida-Virumaa in the field of renewable energy.
Objective: To offer input to the Ida-Virumaa Green Plan, specifically energetics. The co-creation process had three main sub-objectives:
- to initiate a cooperation network of local influencers and activist starting with the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency;
- create a validated report in cooperation with the network for renewable energy and energy efficiency that would contain proposals of Just Transition, offer steps and actions for the transition to green economy;
- create a summary of the co-creation process experience which would help different parties in the future to conduct Just Transition processes using co-creation methods.

2 partners
We conducted the project together with Social Innovation Lab ja Institute of Baltic Studies.

~30 experts
The process included around 30 experts who helped develop the proposals in a co-creation prcoess.

Co-creation and design thinking
We used these approaches to create the proposals in an inclusive manner.

We conducted 8 workshops with experst and organzied 3 network meetings.
Process: StratLab conducted co-creation workshops with the experts to generate innovative and potential proposals in the energetics field. In order to work out specific proposals, all of the experts divided into four different thematic groups based on their own interests. The groups met in two workshops moderated by our consultants.
Due to the danger of coronavirus all of the meetings took place in Zoom. To ensure co-creation we used a platform called Miro.
Screenshots: DD StratLab
Result: The proposals that were created during the process were a mixture of established and innovative ideas. Most of the proposals were already known to the ministries and the local governments, but the fact that they were mentioned again by a comprehensive group of experts added legitimacy to the ideas and validated them.
Furthermore, a conclusive summary about the lessons learned in the co-creation process were created to help next potential processes use co-creation methodsThe project boosted the process of creating a green plan and brought together experts and important stakeholders in order to collectively take steps toward a greener Estonia.
Project team:

Kaisa Jõgeva

Martin A. Noorkõiv

Meri Külm

Hannes Leinola
Social Innovation Lab
Project partner
Institute of Baltic Studies
Project partner
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