Open Governance Principles in the City of Rakvere
Objective: To develop principles on which the city of Rakvere can base its public participation activities and map the first steps and activities for moving toward open governance.

7 topics
We mapped out different aspects of open governance in 7 main topics.

~200 respondents
We conducted a public survey among the residents of Rakvere, which had more than 200 responses.

4 focus groups
We talked to representatives from companies, the youth, nonprofits and the public.

25 proposals
We gathered the ideas into practical proposals to be implemented in the city.
Process: First, we helped map out the city government’s internal public participation processes. Then, we conducted a public survey and focus group interviews to verify and assess the processes from outside perspectives. Based on the information gathered, we composed an analytic report.
Next, we synthesised the proposals in 7 topics that the city could implement to achieve more open and inclusive governance. The proposals were, for example, to make the information on its web-page more accessible, to conduct more public deliberations, surveys regarding larger projects etc.
We also formulated open governance guidelines, that is, fundamental theses about how openness is supposed to work in Rakvere.
Photos: Aestia Koolitused, DD StratLab
Result: Open governance is definitely not a topic that could be implemented with merely one report. Still, the report and compiled proposals are a good basis for taking the next steps. The representative of the client, Andres Jaadla, considered the job professional and well done.
Project team:

Reelika Alunurm

Heidi Maiberg

Martin A. Noorkõiv

Aestia Koolitused OÜ
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